Once a player has tried out or had an evaluation what are the next steps?
Here are the most asked questions-
When will I know if my child has made a team?
Each player / parent will be contacted within 5 days of the last tryout.
How will I accept a roster spot on a team?
You will receive an invite via email. You will be required to pay the nonrefundable club fees upon accepting the spot within 2 days of receiving the invite.
Does BTSC offer financial aid?
Yes. BTSC club fee scholarships are considered. Individual teams can choose to subsidize players on their own teams through their own budgets.
Can my child "play up" on an older team?
We strongly encourage players to tryout in their birthyear age group. A player may tryout to play in a year older age group, but will only be considered if they fall within the top ¼ of the tryout rankings, unless there are special circumstances.
Does BTSC have Professional head coaches?
All weekly training is performed by professional trainer/coaches. Teams have the option of having the professional trainer/coaches handle game day coaching duties as well.
What are the estimated costs associated in joining a team?
$400 – BTSC annual registration fee upon acceptance of offer (nonrefundable)
$300-450* – per season- 2x wk training fee
$115 – Approximate uniform cost (every 2-3 years)
$0 – BTSC Tournament
Extra fees for additional Tournaments/training/winter training
$450 – BTSC annual registration fee upon acceptance of offer (nonrefundable)
$350-450* – per season -2x wk training fee
$115 – Approximate uniform cost (every 2-3 years)
$0 – BTSC Tournament
Extra fees for additional tournaments/training/winter training
*Fees are higher if a professional coach is used in place of a parent head coach.
What are the perks of joining BTSC?
BTSC prides itself on being a competitive club with lower costs than some our neighboring clubs due to our fundraising initiatives.
- We offer a sibling discount (15% off the club fee paid in September).
- Each team receives $500 towards extra training/tournaments in addition to $500 towards winter training.
- We offer free goal keeping sessions in the fall and spring for dedicated goal keepers.
- Free summer pick up soccer games & run club.