Board of Directors
Vacant - President
Responsibilities include:
- Provides oversight, communication and leadership for BTSC players, families, teams, coaches, trainers, partners and Board
- Coordinates soccer and specialty programs for club members (YDP/3rd Day Training/Goalie Training/Summer Camps/Open Summer Soccer)
Anthony Egan - Internal VP
Responsibilities include:
- Coordinating practice times and field assignments for our teams
- Logistics of home games for times and fields
- Liaisons to the Branchburg Township Rec Department and Somerset County Parks Commission
Kyle Johnson - External VP
Responsibilities include:
- Club liaison to MNJYSA and attend MNJYSA meetings on behalf of BTSC
- Score reporting for all BTSC teams
- Registration and carding of BTSC players
Marisa Policastro - Secretary/Club Technology
Responsibilities include:
- Maintaining the clubs TeamSnap account
- Designing the clubs web site
- Maintaining club documentation
- Meeting minutes at the monthly club meetings
Melissa Betz - Fundraising
Responsibilities include:
- Planning events to raise funding to use towards additional training programs for BTSC players (such 3rd day and speed & agility training)
- Planning events to build a broader sense of community within the BTSC families
- Encourages and manages sales of our BTSC Spirit Wear
Eli Goldstein - Treasurer
Responsibilities include:
- Files the clubs annual tax return
- Tracks seasonal payments of club fees from our teams
- Pays all of the clubs bills
- Reconciles the clubs checking, savings and credit card accounts
- Tracks all of the expenses for our annual Fall Classic Tournament
Donny Blanchard- Utility/Service
Responsibilities include:
- Maintaining inventory and supply our teams with equipment
- Coordinating team uniform and spirit wear orders
- Maintaining/organizing our equipment shed
- Coordinating field lighting
- Help with Formation of BTSC Teams
- Recruitment of players for tryouts
- Communications to players after completion of tryouts
Vacant - Tournament Director
Responsibilities include:
- Contacts and coordinates with vendors
- Manages tournament chairs for various jobs (awards, vendor alley, food, ad book, recruiting & communications, volunteer schedule, field marshals, registration, set-up & clean-up, and field prep),
- Replies to inquiries from teams coaches